Dear Plus, This details the latest incidents, of yesterday 10th April 2022, concerning a group of my neighbours, that are 'acting collectively', very often under ASB 19914. 1) Please forward as appropriate to ASB/Housing Department - if a more specific address should be used, please inform. 2) The day (Sunday 10th) began quietly as there tends to be less economic activity on a Sunday, but was disturbed by a clattering of bottles down the adjacent waste-chute; this might be considered 'normal' but the sheer quantity, and nature, of junk descending might disturb more than one resident and certainly 'sends all the wrong messages'. This matter has been reported before, including the author's dismay that tens of thousands of pounds have been spent widening the chutes when they should have been sealed - walking down to the ground floor to dispose of waste remains a fair solution to this problem, especially when the occupants of 161 High Street seem happy to shop locally to replenish supplies. It is true that this racket now takes place only rarely in the very early hours of the morning, so words may have already been said on this issue, but the result of my neighbours' prodigious alcohol consumption remains a problem. 3) Words 'may have already been said' in the direction of my other antagonist, Philip 'Frothy' Bradley of 157 High Street DY9 8LT as there has been no repetition of that extraordinary racket produced by his outdoor blower/vacuum - but yesterday, just before lunch, he chose to demolish a chair in the yard! Why choose a quiet Sunday morning? Is 'e trying to gain attention? How sad is this character? If I provide the funds, could Housing, on the grounds 'is dog hasn't solved the problem, provide 'im with a teddy-bear? The main reason for this missive is that I had to observe Frothy's antics to establish the ultimate destination of the chair and whether it would find its way, as for much of 'is junk, over the fence and onto the Love Lane walkway - this he noticed and returned an offensive gesture as a V-sign!  DAustin PS: Whilst I'm disappointed that the Town's Tawny (known as Towny) hasn't been heard for a while, the blackbirds, robins and wrens provide a real treat - if we rid The Lye of the doggies and the druggies, it would be almost as good as anywhere! PPS: Alcohol - whilst it seems that Putin is motivated by his belief that his antics are blessed by God (a Christian god!) are 'is soldiers plain drunk?